I don't know why Caylee Anthony or Shaniya Davis were dealt the cruel, painful, unfair cards they were.
I don't understand any of it.
My Mother has told me that the good Lord needs angels of all ages, sizes, strengths, wisdoms and speeds and for that reason he sometimes puts some people through some pretty harsh stuff and sometimes he takes a young life, sometimes in a very tragic way.
Maybe she is right.
If so, these little girls surely have some powerfully strong wings with wisdoms way beyond their earthly years.
Nonetheless, I think a thousand angels could dance through my living room chanting songs that could seduce a lion into slumber and I doubt that they would help me understand how or why a mother could ever subject her child to such cruelties and dictate such an ill-fate to their little world.
Would these same women subject someone else's child to such atrocities? It doesn't seem so. Time after time, case after case, child after child we ever-increasingly so hear about mother's harming their own.
Being blessed as I have been with a Mother who has love, passion, conviction, strength, morality, patience and compassion among other things... I find myself sickened that these children were not blessed as I have been. I know that for every nightmare story about such stuff that makes the headlines, there are a thousand stories, equally as tragic, that don't.
I don't know what we can do, what I can do, to help stop these things from happening.
I know we cannot undo what has been done.
Oh, what should we do...
8 years ago
Sorry to post this...it is outside of my norm. I just cannot fathom what has happened to these poor, beautiful little girls.
Children should be free to be children.
They should be able to trust those who are supposed to be their care givers and loved ones.
Adults should be adults.
I know that the respective penal systems will do whatever they will do with the mothers of little Shaniya and Caylee and perhaps somewhere in that, there will be justice for some of the countless lives they have negatively impacted...but it would be nice for that justice to come in the form of keeping horrible things like this from happening to the next child.
These cases are hauntingly horrible.
SLS...Do not apologize for posting this. I remain forever haunted by the faces of these children, imagining their laughter, their innocence, their gift to the world. We have to pray and pray hard....It doesn't matter what child, when or where...it has to stop....
How can this happen in a world, our world, one world....
To babies....
(((((((((( SLB ))))))))))
Please don't apologize for it MATTERING.......
Matters to this one, too.
Why would you apologize for this? My God I can't even begin to wrap my mind around it, what possesses a mother to do this to her own child? I think I'm gonna be sick
You know as I do that it's not just little girls and their mommas, these two angels have been gifted with publicity in their horrible story... that publicity has gotta be for more than to just haunt us. There's gotta be more we, as individuals or one, can do to help. Maybe praying is it, but it seems more is needed.
TY. It really does matter. These mommas may not ever realize the butterfly effect that have carried. As one who has been unable to have my own children and who comes from a loving mother and family (of which 1/2 are adopted) I simply cannot fathom. I wished more little had been blessed, as I have been.
You, like me, have been blessed in the greatest manner of all...with love and with loving parents. To hear stories such as these is saddening and sickening.
and, just so you know, I apologize because I try to make this a peaceful place, saving darkness for corners I sit quietly & alone in.
It is a case of unworthy people getting pregnant who should never ever have children. Unfortunately, those people are too stupid to realize they shouldn't. Thier minds are warped but thier sexual organs work fine. It's very f'd up.
It's too bad there is not a computer program out there to identify those women beforehand and give them irreversible hysterectomies.
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