I've never been to jail & I have never been arrested.
Not to imply that I have never boken the law, I started doing that at a very young age.I have NEVER had control over my DH, but I have tried to support, love & influence him to make healthy choices.
I knew the police were coming.
Suzie's mom-ality had called my Mother to tell her that it was only a matter of time.
I hid in the back bedroom with an Beatles album...deciding now would be a great time to read every word on the cover, on the sleeve and in the insert.
I was five.I've never called the cops. I'm not a control freak, but feel like I am losing control.
I heard the knock at the door & heard my mother pad her slippers across the sandy floor.
'Paige it's for you...'
I asked her to tell whoever it was that I wasn't home.
'I love you baby, but I cannot lie for you.'
Bam! Bam! Bam! More knocks at the door.
'It's for you. It's two gentlemen. You need to go answer that door.'
And, I did.
My first run-in with the cops.
Vandalism. Destruction of public property.
My name, my hand prints and some numbers...6-72, I think. If my heart were the sidewalk, he has not only walked all over it, but has also vandalized it with the names, dates & handprints of 1000 lies.
Scribbled and smooshed into the fresh concrete that paved the latest extension to our neighborhood sidewalk.
Suzie's momality yelled at us & we didn't understand why.
She said she was calling the cops & we looked over our shoulders for the 'bad guy,' the stranger, the vicious stray dog.
But all we saw was her...eyebrows wild, hair blowing, arms slapping her sides.
Control freak out of control.
How did she ever make it to adulthood without ever being a child? I filed for divorce & feel like the next 5 weeks are a jail sentence.
Photos compliments of Google & the WWW
8 years ago
I like that. Some people can't stop being kids, but this lady was born into the world an adult, momma-law. Are your letters still in the concrete?
I love the hand print photo. Are the prints of three people who I recently met? I imagine so. Good writing, hope another good metaphor jumps out at me!
Nope Eric, mom-ality had the city redo the sidewalk. So, DS & I carved our initials into the Big Old Oak tree. Amazingly enough, they were still there, twisted up & out onto a branch as late as 1995.
Awww, sorry to hear about the [other stuff]... but also happy to hear about it, because you are coming in out of the rain! You deserve to be treated well because you are such a beautiful, gentle spirit. Hang in there. I'm just a click away if you need to talk, and I'm sending good vibes your way.
Girl ILYSVVFM, you've already done the hard time, sister! In the end, peace wins.......
wow, skinny. another story that cuts to the chase. the question at the end pulls it all together.
i for one was arrested at age 14 for breaking and entering--3 girls and 3 boys snooping into a closed up estate in the woods where we hung out. i waited for the police call to come for a week after, knowing it would because my friend's parents had been called already. my father "escorted" me to the police station and asked if i could pick up leaves as a punishment. i was mortified. no charges were filed, i was then free to use this cool story to my benefit, which of course i did.
no so good you had to face the police yourself. five is too young for tall uniforms of any kind...
take care,
Anne~ Sweet West Coast Sista...have I ever told you that I love you? I'm wrapping myself in your survivor good vibes.
Singleton~ SILYSVFM&WYWH ;) Who knew just how prophetic YOUR ARTWORK would be?! ....Peace always wins....
KJ~ Lol, I am so glad they went easy on you. I am afraid the times have changed & most kids today may not be so lucky. I think I learned a couple/few important things from that little experience ... about honesty, about accountability & about power & control.
Wow, my friend...I am so sorry! I wish I was there to give you a hug, and share a beer and....just be
Peace, love and hugs to you.
Stand tall..... Handprints on the sidewalk aren't felonies.
And that which doesn't kill us--doesn't kill us.
*sending peacefilled thoughts*
A day at a time, eh?
*thinkin' of ya*
Another day down, sweetie...
I learned at an early age to keep personal information out of my arsonal of available vandalizing phrasing. I also learned that it is sometimes fun to use personal information when vandalizing, of course the information was not personal to me.
I wasn't a high quantity vandalizer-but how can a kid experience growing up without attempting and leaving their own "mark".
Its creativity in its most basic and abstract form.
Hey, Skinny
I used to be a vandal. Not a picnic table existed in my neighborhood that didn't earn my initials or mine and someone else's initials inside a heart. A vandal of love, that's me.
And what's up with that poem you told me about in the last post? Hahaha. Reach for the words and let them fly! You've got it, just like your sisters do, so run with the words and take the wind.
Peace, always and all things
I never got caught either. Once, when I was fifteen, I turned myelf in to help a friend who DID get caught stealing gas out of cars.
The people thought we were too nice to press charges and the cop took my phone number, which I gave my older brother's number for.
My older sixteen year old brother with the deep voice got a call from a cop the next day, and boy was I in trouble with my brother! Teehee...
I was caught at the tender age of 12. A friend of mine and me was playing with matches behind the only gas station in town. Needless to say we caught some old tires on fire. I ran home and straight into my moms lap. "mom, mom, the gas stations on fire and I didn't start it" ... she didn't let me hide when the police came ... but she did let me ride in the fine car they have and piss all over myself!
Guess playing with fire does make you pee!
I filed for divorce & feel like the next 5 weeks are a jail sentence.
Wait, what?!
one more day down
good night to you--or good morning, whatever you like!
I loved the dual story!
I am sorry to hear of your hurt though.
You sure came out of it all a nice person though. :)
i'm so glad i'm not like that lady. i can't imagine being a mother and not letting children be.
i don't like suzie's momality.
my favorite people in the world find fresh cement irresistible
"creativity is not a crime!"
what a price we'd all pay without it...
incorrigible little urchin.
Love it.
Y;-) Paddy
Sometimes, the punishment does not match the crime.
Somehow it will all settle though.
Skinny, a charming and funny post.
My hat`s off to you!
Hey skinny
just sayin' hello
hope you're writing well
and letting the breeze
do most of the work
yet another....
*thinkin' of you*
Oh, how sad to feel compelled to crush a joyful burst of youthful innocence. You are right, who robbed the childhood from her?
Hey Blondie, the po po was over at my place this weekend looking for a long haired hippie chick who was seen running naked on the beach, any ideas who that may be?
What are the old phrases, "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger.", "God doesn't give us anything we can't handle.", "What comes around goes around.", "You're not living if you're not learning." and lastly, "No pain, no gain.". You, Miss Paige, will learn again what a valuable and talented person you are, I think you've forgotten. You will be a bitter B*tch for a while BUT this too shall pass. :)
All my love, SLB.
Skinny, sorry to read about your painful decision.
You have posted at least twice about your mate and I decided not to comment because they would have opened a Pandora's box.
They guy had it comming.
ahhhh, and yet another day down. ILYSVVFM
My dear...just wanted to reach out and let you know there are many here that care...I know as each day passes there are new thoughts, fears and emotions...
Hold your head up high and count the days....
Alright, Skinny ... I have tagged you because you, of all people, will give some interesting and creative responses to this:
Hello everyone, thank you for all of you wonderful comments & my apologies for being 'out of the loop' any more.
I'd like to bury this post, yet I am drawing a big, fat blank on what I could throw up here at this time.
I'd like to reply to many of your comments, as some of them really bounced out at me. I love that so many of us had our first run-ins with the law as little ones...I'm sure it has saved us from ourselves later in life, more times than we would ever know.
May the child never die ;) P&L
I like hanging around in old posts after everybody’s gone home and the lights have been turned off. It’s like rummaging around a flea market after hours. Regarding your run-in with the long arm of the law, I’m happy to hear you were not subjected to jail food. They make good use of institutional sized baloney logs. Big, big logs of baloney, sawed thick on dry bread with warm tap water to wash it down. It doesn’t matter where the jail is located, California or Main, Texas to Timbuktu, jails are all about baloney logs for some reason.
handprints in concrete..isn't that too artistic for a five year old? i'd have loved to have had yu for a neighbour :)
I never got caught thankfully.
I just wrote dirty words in the cement.
I once attended a protest march against the war with a group. All had been arrested at least once for civil disobedience except me. I was viewed as a coward. But I still was careful as I had also brought my son and I didn't want him in jail. So we just yelled at the White House.
another day, baby
OK, OK. I'm a total comment whore, who loves numbers, even if they're meaningless. So I will be comment forty.
I hope everything's cool, life and writing and all. I've been having a hard time, too. With everything, but there's nothing unusual about that. It's the natural cycle. Things go up and down all the time.
no metaphors there, please. I really need to read this stuff before I send it.
32 days to go...if only I were Paris Hilton, the judge might consider it as time served.
Sorry folks, I'm full of spit...I'll bop around more when my head is crewed on straight and not just plain screwed.
Everyday brings change
If even just for one moment it was a pleasure, then let me appreciate just that one moment
peace & love & the redefining of...
There are some things you should know about this buck. How can I email you?
Thank you, I know enough already. You can only email me if you know my email address.
slb....your head is screwed on straight....
your peace is coming, baby, it's coming....
there's a candle glowing, take my hand, and follow the light....
follow your sister's light, Skinny. We're all patient before the coming dawn's first blush.
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