I hadn't been sick.
There was no new love trying to swoosh me off my feet.
There had been no deaths in the family.
Nobody had stood me up or stayed out all night when they should have been home.
There was no glass vase, nor any tissue paper or ribbon.
There was no delivery van at the curb and There was no business card sized note.
No written words.
There was a tin can. A big old, rusty, coffee can.
And there was green...lots of it, along with all the yellows & golds, red & oranges, blue, purples & periwinkles.
They were bell-shaped and pointy and round...psychedelic tongues lapping out, neon fingers pointing down and up, over and across.
They made me nose crinkle... into a smile.
They were wildflowers or weeds...roadside dusters ... and they were the best flowers I ever got.
Love Me. Love Me Not.
Doesn't matter... I loved those flowers & the tin can they came in.
Flowers from a florist make me think of beginnings and ends & not all the good stuff in between... like rusty old tin cans & wildflowers, peace, love & goodtimes.
8 years ago
sweet :)
what a wonderful thing to receive.
flowers are so special and at this time of year what ever is growing around is just spectacular.
God's gift,,,like love.
Sometimes grown in places where it seems impossible,like love.
Sometimes on the side of a very steep rocky cliff, with hardly any soil,,,,strong in impossible conditions,,,growing.
Like love.
i want flowers like that, and not just once....
wise well written words as always, skinny.
How romantic.
Deeis4Dana...Lol, yes. I think those are the only flowers I ever got that I didn't simply 'appreciate'.
BollingerByrd...Yes, you are right! I have some pretty wild flowers popping up this year that I can't even identify. They may be weeds, but they are gorgeous!
WilsonsArt...Your words are like poetry! I saw a little purple flower peeking out of the cracks in the sidewalk and was reminded how so little can offer so very much.
KJ...Lol, I only got flowers like that once and I haven't gotten any in a long time. Unfortunately most folks only send them when your ill or if they are trying to schmooze, lol.
Orhan...Yep, those flowers were truly lovely!
Your parrallel between the beauty of the flowers and that of love is well done, and both of them growing in strange places, so very ironic. You really should publish, you are such a keen observer. Thank you.
OH girl, I love love love you...... and our tin can world!
Glad to see you are well.
*happy sigh*
The bestest of the bestest--wildflowers for the soul.
Gonna grab some from the ditches and stuff 'em in a tin can today!
((((((((( SLB )))))))))))
Oh, that's IF the ditches aren't filled with water.
And if they are--I'll take a wander through a muddy field to claim some!
It'll be an adventure! :-)
OH! And I got a PUPPY award!
Oh gosh....now I wanna puppy....LOL
Awwww.....thank you, thank you, thank you!
Beautifully conceived and artfully presented. You breathe life-renewing breath into a crackled and parched Spirit ... and I smile.
Lovingly ...
"to wild flowers!"
great post skinny, ~love, ~s.
Ceo, Sing & Enemy...my apologies, I thought I had left comments bcak a few days ago before work!
CEO...Ty for your kind words. ;)I publish all the time, right here!
Sing...That's right...our tin can world. A little rust is good...it allows for ventilation and emits iron into our soils ;) ILYSVM
Enemy...Long Time, Good to see you are well, as well.
Mel...Lol, if you are in a ditch, you will either get washed downstream or you are ducking from cover from a tornado...If you happen to come across a wildflower while doing either of those, may it bless you with the love of Mother Nature & keep you safe!
John Michael...Your spirit is not crackled or parched...so I know you are not referencing yourself here. This is going to sound strange, but I had a dream with you in it...we were sitting on a bench, shucking oysters & clams for a crowd of people...lol, mean anything?
She...To WildFlowers, WildChilds & Sweet Peace! xoxox
You're right...never got the chance to go ditch pickin' before they filled, dangit...
But a house with running water and working sewers--it's like a whole FIELD of wildflowers in a rusted tin can to the company I'm now keeping.
Good gift to give, methinks....
*HUGE hugs*
<--is safe and well and sooooooo very grateful....
Barn's burnt down-- now I can see the moon. -- Masahide
Thanks for all the good comments over my way . . . we appear to walking similar paths these days . . .
Keep on looking for the silver lining . . .
(((Mel)))...been keeping up through the radio waves, heard it is finally beginning to subside. After all this downpour...just imagine the wild flowers to come!!! 6 weeks and it'll be like a different world!!!
Oceans...Amazing quote/poem! Lol, kinda like when the power gets knocked/struck or just plain shut off, we get to enjoy midnight stories & cooking out ;) Yes, it seems that no matter what we alone go through as individuals, we are never alone.
Persichetti says...
I will see you on Saturday! I cannot wait! Love you!
If I wasn't so accustomed to Being 'in touch' with Spirit-Kin, I would say that what you dreamed was amazing. But because I do enjoy the non-earthly plane on occasion, I smile in recollection of a lengthy discussion that I was having, with another Friend, about my longing for the long-missed joys of oyster shucking and devouring. The sensation and the image accompanied me for several days. And it was just as you were 'tuned in.' How very cool is THAT!?
Must be that "Loving You" thang!
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