I sit on the curb with a thousand and one things to do and instead I plunder through the sidewalk chalk...
psychedelic and inverted etchings in the sand take form on the blacktop of my street...
inevitably, the eternal waves of the ocean wash away such etchings, just as each passing car throws another clouded puff of chalk into the air...
my audience, sitting on a cast iron table that weighs more than I do are yellow flowers...
like me, they continue to face the skies...
where the sun once was and where the full yellow moon rises hula-hooping misty rings of amber...
and I begin to sing...
'why don't you fill me up?'
I hear her sweet angel-like voice join right in...
'fill me up! buttercup baby...'
Flowers and sunbursts, peace signs and words cover the road before me...
we forgot about the bills to be paid, the calls to be made, the clothes to be washed and the bags to be packed...
No worries.
Just a couple girls, an open road, a setting sun, a rising moon, a box of chalk and a connected peace...
A couple of hours later, another girlfriend told me that I had better get busy gathering and packing for the beach.
I thought about it...
but opted to simply enjoy my moment, right then, there, with her...
as I had chosen to enjoy my moment in the road...
It's all good. I'll get it all taken care of.
Plus, I know that if the jolly green giant were to come down at this moment or any moment and declare
'SkinnY! You have one hour to pack your stuff!' that in that one hour, I would gather all that I needed...
tethered to the moment, tethered to my faith...
Four more days...
until I don't need the chalk to scribble in the sands...
(Artwork compliments of Singleton, Rachael, Skinny and Mother Nature...May the Circle Remain Unbroken)