It's just my shell.
I stepped into it the day I was born and hopefully I will step out of it on the day I die.
Otherwise, I am just a ghost trapped in this body and what I perceive to be my protective shell is nothing but a cage...
8 years ago
Nothing but a Skinny Little Blonde Rambling On About Living, Loving and Learning
It's just my shell.
I stepped into it the day I was born and hopefully I will step out of it on the day I die.
Otherwise, I am just a ghost trapped in this body and what I perceive to be my protective shell is nothing but a cage...
I don't know what to make of this.
I am reminded of a song (as you probably guessed)...maybe you want to 'break your rusty cage AND RUN!' ? :)
You're a whole lot of clarity stuck a body made to contain static. That much I know :)
I get the protective shell genuinely being a cage.
I lied to myself about that for a very long time.
You cannot guard your heart--it's a delusion to believe that's possible.
Did I mention how you were missed?
Felt kinda selfish missing your presence.....but there ya have it.
Dee....hahaha, I imagine you are hearing Chris Cornell and not Johnny Cash, you crazy girl. Technically,first two lines were words I threw out at the beach...and they seemed to weigh heavy on the one who heard them and the last line was from a midnight rambling, also at the beach ;)
Orhan...LoL, a precarious balance! Like quietly tip-toeing while wildly, it is a trip.
(((Mel)))Lol, I thought of you a number of times...thought about you, a cup of coffee and box of sidewalk chalk next... to me by the old painted white seawall with the sun lighting our canvas :)
Post is actually about how one can be limited by the perceptions of another...
I need a new shell, the one I have is getting old and beat up pretty good. Unlike the snake that sheds its skin, I guess this is the only shell I'll ever have. Not much thought about this when I could have been taking better care of it, but then again, how we're exposed to the world, some get used up quicker than others and some are just more durable. Like trees and how they are like people, all different. Funny things these shells we're in.
both versions are awesome but i like yours best!
And down by the seaside...
every shell has a face of it's own...
the one we choose to see.... dear grandfather, who lived quite a long-life and tried to take the best of care of his shell, struck me profoundly in his final year when he told me about how he lived his life...clean, health-conscious, devout, etc. He said he led his life that way so that he could have a long life, and he did, but in old age he questioned why? He questioned his own rationale in it & pondered if maybe he shouldn't have stayed out a little late, eaten a little differently, had a little fun...."It's not much fun, being the last one standing." Ahhhh, life is for living...quality over quantity...sweet peace to you weathered shell,you wear it well ;)
Dee...Love Chris Cornells voice, but there is no one like Johnny Cash. Hahaha, remember when we got to see Chris Cornell? You and I got seperated from one another and I had the guys in the drum circle chanting your name, calling out for you? hahahaha...and poof! There you were!
Sing....and ironically enough, if the shells face is only the one we choose to see, or want to see, then we are missing out on the many faces of life... at the beach, how many people said the same thing over and over again to you & I, sharing with us (for whatever reason) their limited vision of what they saw.... imagine if that was all we were... how deprived you, I and everyone in between would be.'s like this (imo, hahahha, right now & of course, subject to change)someone can have a book, say the bible, bedside for the entirety of their lives, but if they never open it, never read it, never flip it open or over...they never really know that book... but they very well may think, say and/or believe that, in fact, they do.
Yes, I remember, that was a quite funny good idea! I believe that was the Allman Brothers, wasn't it? At any rate, getting seperated like that will NEVER happen again as that seperator has seperated themselves from me (finally). In retrospect, that person has always managed to break me away from other friends ever since grade school. May she wash up on someone else's beach next time.
I love this post. People worry much too much about other people's shells. On the other hand, I can't help smiling when I see a man with a really nice shell. ;)
Dee...ILY&MYM! We are such goof-balls, if she was there, then it was the Phil Lesh and Friends Show and you're right, she was there. I can't even recall who played with Chris Cornell...Oh my, hahaha, was it partner in crime, script-writer-of-my-vacation??? Hahahaha...can't wait to see you at our next show together. It is sure to be good, peaceful, connected fun!
Anee...hahaha, your last comment made me think of a bumper sticker i saw at the bar 'a hard body is good to come by.' funny. They also had one that I snapped a pic of that said 'we don't skinny dip, we chunky dunk' :) Too cute.
Ahhh sweet skinny, ILY....
and there at the beach, over the sound of the waves, the canned country music from the parking lot, the riffle~raffle noise at the pool....every now and then someone would listen...and those are the eyes that would see the most...the eyes that saw butterflies where they had never landed, that saw saving grace in a window of chaos, that would see peace in a string of bubbles plopping on the highrise windows, beauty in a flock of prehistoric winged ones....
Those were the eyes that would dance....
Yep and for any doubters, well seeing is believing...
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