Turn on your love light, let it shine on me
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine ... Grateful Dead, Turn on Your Love Light...
Friday night was heated & I stayed up practically all night long in fits of finding peace. Before I found sleep, I had a personal revelation...thank you Spadoman.
I found a St Christopher cross at my backdoor... like marbles from the sky?
Saturday morning it was 22 degrees & I had a wedding to attend at noon. The day was gray but the wedding was very down-to-earth, very simple, most special & endearing. Love was in the air. It grows & grows & grows.
On the ride home I saw one little ray of sunshine poking through the gray skies. It looked like the lords above had a teeny, weeny flashlight poking through the cotton of the sky. I commented, 'I wonder who that sun is shining on.' It looked like it was big enough to shine down on, maybe, an area the size of a car.
A few more turns of the road & a moment of interstate later, I found that the ray of sunshine had grown into a light escaping great slices in the sky.(see pic above)
Finally I found those slices had grown into something more... (see pic to right.)
How beautiful.
What do you see in the skies?
8 years ago
I love the pics, hope you had a good time at the wedding :)
BEAUTIFUL!!!! I think the rays of sunlight shine on you Sweets!!! Always!
Pixie~It was great...not a long traditional wedding. A short & simple wedding between kindred spirits. The feeling of contentedness, peace & love was strong.
Vicci~LOL, If not on me, then on someone else who needds the warmth, but certainly for me to get to enjoy & appreciate nonethless.
Am I the only one seeing the lovely woman with the whispy hair?
Crepuscual rays are my favoritestest!
Beautiful baby sib. Like the heavens cracked open and the shining glowing yoke streamed forth. Food for the soul. ILYSVVM
LOL Mel...I love it! First, I saw a mermaid...but I can see your woman with wispy hair too. Maybe even with a halo... btw, thanks for the word 'crepuscul' :)
...like smoke signals, sister;)
I love the beauty, it gives hope!
I love looking into the clouds and seeing shapes and figures....
I saw the hawk on the wire, he had a message for me. The tree nation stood tall and although the branches had no leaves, they will soon be cooling the hot summer days with their shade and giving us clean oxygen to breathe.
Yesterday was a windless day, the smoke rose straight up, a beeline to the Creator, carrying prayers and hopes and wishes for many, for the health and happiness of the people, for Kimbies and all the caring family and friends around her.
The Creator took the sun from where we were and showed some of it to you. This is the way. Because we are all related. Mitakwe Oyasin
Crepuscular......woulda been better had I given you the RIGHT word.
*shaking head at self*
Wonderful. I am a 'sky person' too - although left the gorgeous skies of the desert for the northwest where the sky looks like the inside of a ping-pong ball for weeks on end sometimes.
Last two days - the clouds finally broke and we had skies of deep blue.
It was shining you, apparently.
BarDouble29~It is beautiful, isn't it?
Spadoman~I could feel my hair rise as I read your words. I sent you a secret 'TY' in this post. When I saw that first ray of sunlight, I thought of you and your son and his children & of us over here & then, of everyone in between us. You have helped me to realize that we are so very blessed... with peace & love & good quality people, experiences & moments to be valued & learned from. P&L
Mel~ You Funny! :) Whatever they are called, they are rare & I feel kinda blessed to have been priviledged enough to have paid witness.
View~ You will have to keep your eyes peeled for great escapes like this one. I'm glad you have had blue skies for the past 2 days...it has been cold & gray here. I understand that the summers can be quite beautiful in your new area...spring is just around the corner!
Matt~ If not on me, then kinda for me.
I see a mermaid on her back with her hair flowing up.
Very cool..
I saw a fishy woman too!
I see someone laying back and basking in the sunlight - aw it would be so nice to be there!
The Pic itself makes me feel so warm,maybe because I am so longing to have some bright sunny days now.Can't wait for spring.The pictures are beautiful,the way sunrays are breaking through the clouds almost seem magical.I felt too that it resembled a mermaid with flowing hair.Watching the sky and the shapes of the clouds has always been my favorite pasttime,I would lie down and watch them and its like a big canvas with clouds creating so many shapes with every passing minute.Glad you had a beautiful day and got to enjoy the wedding Skinny!
The sky is smiling. It's the Tao/God/Nature/whatever smiling down on us. Ultimately, it's us smiling at ourselves because we are the whole works. We just forgot.
Thanks for visiting my blog, my friend. Nice blog you have here!
The sky is smiling. It's the Tao/God/Nature/whatever smiling down on us. Ultimately, it's us smiling at ourselves because we are the whole works. We just forgot.
Profoundly true!
Fuzzy...countless afternoons spent doing that as a child.
Baron, Spongy & Angela Marie ... Here Comes the Sun!
skinny, did you dream about the St. Chris cross? What is a St. Chris cross? I remember pope Paul VI scuttled Chris from the "list" along with St. Ursula, who in Catholic lore has to be one of my alltime heroes. Do you know her legend?
Dang SLB...neat pictures! Yeah, it was dreadfully cold here last Sat.
LOl, No I didn't dream about St. Christopher...I found him in the wee hours. It was actually rather strange. I had a heated night with my DH & he had finally gone to sleep. I stayed up, looking for peace. At some point, I went to my back door and was just staring out. The dogs were gathered at my feet & I opened the door to see if any of them wanted out. One ran for the night & another followed, only to quickly turn around and jump back in. I was watching her when I saw a glistening. After she cleared the ground, I stooped & picked up the onject I saw glistening and it was a St. Christophers cross. I have to admit my ignorance. Saturday night I googled St. Christopher.What I found was that 'Christopher is one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers, and the patron saint of travelers.' I also found out the Saint Christopher is sometimes represented as a person with the head of a dog.
LOL, I know that it probably means that the area teen-agers were once again trying to raid our spare fridge(we have a shed with a fridge chunked full of wine & venison)and that one of my dogs affectionately jumped on them, tearing this silver cross from their neck, but I took it as a sign of peace. It's really beautiful & although I may not be a devout Catholic, I can appreciate the representation it has. Likewise, the clouds, I can appreciate. As I watched the slice change shape...it turned into two arms reaching up, like a big hug in the sky...then I saw the mermaid, the halo ... LOL, I know I can get carried away, but the little things do mean the most.
Slick~ And if the 70's come, like they say...I'm going camping!
skinny, after your expanded description of your St. Chris find I'm dying to see what the cross looks like. Can you post a photo of it, please, please, please.
I'm not sure what I see in those clouds, but they look beautiful, powerful and hopeful. I'm praying for you and your sister, my dear.
Piktor~ I'm in & out of the house today (a glorious day off;)but I promise you, I will take a pic & revise post to include pic.
((Anne)) I always enjoy it when you bop in on me! LOl, you are one of our founding sisters!
skinny, thanks. I have a different photo of the same work in my blog. I can't make up my mind which is better.
I'm on my way to check it out & give you my two cents ;)
skinny, that is one cool cross. I was expecting something fun but that cross tells a story all by itself. Never part with it!
I think I see a shadow inversion of the Loch Ness monster - like her happier, kinder, angelic cousin. It looks to me like an angel with a long snake tail or something. This is kind of like an ink blot test, huh???
LOL, Photo blog girl, yes it is kind of like an ink blog test....
and so far it seems that bloggers are all pretty nice & like you, have an great perspective :)
what a great post. you obviously have learned to see miracles--an excellent skill to have on planet earth.
sometimes it's all so beautiful it's easy to forget how easy it is to complain about everything!
i see a genie lamp!! make a wish!!
Well, you're almost getting your 70's....supposed to be around 65 here today. Niiice :) Well, except the raining part
I ought to come down there and bring the motorcycle, looks like riding weather.
When I was a young boy growing up Catholic to an Italian Mother and Father in Chicago, we had all kinds of statues and medals and things around the house.
One gift I was given when I was around 10 or 12 years old was a St. Christopher medal. It was silver on a silver chain and I wore it around my neck. It was said it would keep me safe when I traveled. Not the kind of travel I do now, but on my bike, going out to play crossing busy streets
Of course, back then, I wasn't a traveler, but now, after many years on the road, I still travel and have been safe. I've long lost that medal and now carry a crystal that I energize on the windowsill in the light of the sun that I believe carries the spirit that keeps me safe.
I have other Grandfathers (rocks), in my pockets as I travel also. I pass them out to people when I feel compelled to, as I wander.
St. Christopher did the same thing for me long ago as it was my Mothers belief that I carried. Now, I am satisfied that any kind of faith is powerful. Right and wrong about it do not exist. Bad and good are but opinions. Hate is something that shouldn'e exist and it doesn't in people who truly want peace. Judgement is reserved for no one and tolerance is a true virtue.
Do what you need to. Accept only the truth your heart tells you. Walk your walk and don't look back. There is nothing there for you. Everything you seek is right out there in front of you. If Christopher wants to be along for the ride, well, take his fetish and give him a thrill. I mean, what if the Hokey Pokey IS what it's really all about?
KJ~ So true...it's so easy to look over the small things & not appreciate the gifts given to us by Mother Nature.
MindY~ Ha! I Love it! I see the Genie now Too!
Slick~ Now if can keep up the reasonable temps & keep the rain at a minimum next Monday & Tuesday...my days off next week...to the woods I'll go!
Spado~ I found it ironic that someone 'lost' this charm at some point in my backyard & I figured I'd keep it until it was time for it to move on to the next soul. I had a silver peace sign that road with me car after car for about 20 years...until someone smashed in my window & stole all the contents of my vehicle. I have just recently replaced it with a wooden one...with the wood representing 'regeneration & growth'. It's slightly visible in my most recent post on bumper stickers. I think it's wonderful that you have rocks from your grandfather...I have a jar of sand from my grandmother. Above & beyond that, I love it when you visit me. Your words always strike home. TY.
Those are beautiful photos. I found the end of a rainbow while driving though some little town outside Portland Oregon many years ago. Several cars had already stopped and people were walking around gawking at the spectacle. We stopped, got out, and walked to within what seemed to be no more that twenty feet away and it was still visible. For all I know, it might be considered technically impossible for that to happen, but happen it did.
Sounds just beautiful Slag. Moments like that always make me feel priviledeged. The only part that would sound impossible to me would be if you had said that you found a pot of gold there.
I've seen doub;e-rainbows a couple of times and one time I saw a triple rainbow. The main one brighter than any I had ever seen before & naturally the others faded in intensity...but, no doubt, there were 3 there.
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