Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Leaving at midnight. Taking two wayward boys with me.

Off to see my girls at the beach...
until next time, I think I'll Wade in the Water

Perhaps you'd prefer to wade through this....

or maybe even this...


none said...

Have a good one!

Mel said...

Ohhhhhhh....I'm so envious.
And I'm sooo glad for all of you!


kj said...

skinny, being an eva cassidy fan, i LOVED hearing this song with that fantastic dance video. very cool.

so you and singleton and your clan are now beaching it up. i can't think of anything better. i hope you have a greeeaaat time, each of you.


Angela Marie said...

This was great!

Have a wonderful time Paige!
I am thinking about all of you!

vicci said...

Have tons of fun Paiger Girl!! Wish I was with you all....(well...I am in spirit)!!!!!

Momentary Madness said...

love the Judy Henske. Bless me baby, I mean lord.

Incrediblyirrational said...

happy wading!!

Spadoman said...

Missing you! I'll be gone from Monday until the 29th. Double miss you. See you when we're all back.

Peace. Be safe.

singleton said...

SLB.....GAWD, I love you girl! Wallowing in the rememberences...Clink! Peace! Love! Enjoy your two days of serenity....Wade in the water, make love to the sun and the moon, tip the bottle bottom up, draw happy faces in the sand, pluck more treasures from the shore, dance at the seawall with strangers, and float.....face up to the heavens......
Until next time, beautiful child....party for peace, live for love

kj said...

oh, i thought singleton was with you, skinny. see--it's not so easy to follow along with one's social life through the blogs!

have fun

singleton said...

kj....we were! we crossed paths and drowned in each other's love....I started out first, then we all made camp for a few endless days and nights, and now she and her wayward boys are on their glorious own!

M@ said...

Enjoy. I'm currently on vacation, too!

singleton said...

you home yet, Skinny?

skinnylittleblonde said...

Hi everyone & Thanks for the well wishes & toodles!
Am back now...having left four days after Singleton & returning 3 days after her & Kimbies, I MOST enjoyed our three days of heaven together!