It's Not Too Late.
It's a missed perception.
It's a canoe.
A vessel.
A means to get to an end.
I painted those words on Independence Day...last year.
A month after serving the man I was married to with papers and a month before our second big date with the judge.
'Why'd you name it that? You're not having second thoughts are you?!'
My big little canoe. Brought home unfloatable, scraped, scratched, gouged and weathered... with holes as big as a rump at an all-you-can-eat buffet.
No, it's not too long as you look at it with the right perception. Sometimes that means cocking your head to the side, hanging upside down or even turning away.
A couple of weeks ago, Timmytoes came back to town for a few days.
"You're not thinking of getting back together, are you?!"
We went out dancing, went rafting, he split firewood for me and we took my big little hippie canoe out. I talked about work, the river & the dogs and he talked about his work, sailboat, girlfriends & such ... we enjoyed each other in peace.
Peace... no, it's not too late.
WARNING: Do Not Play YouTube Video UNLESS you would like to listen to some Godsmack....'Speak.' I threw this up because the lyrics to this song lead the words of Stevie Ray Vaughn, the Talking Heads, Ben Harper and such down the side of Not2L8.
8 years ago
So good to not have an 'ex',,,
but a 'used to be'.
It's likely there will always be a small connection, of some sort,,even if only through memories,,and 'ex' has such a negative tone.
Certainly there were some good times,,,and I celebrate that you can now be together in peace.
Adorable: both you & your canoe,,and Timmytoes aint bad neither.
Uplifting story!
A psychologist-friend has a sportingly competitive spirit. So, when he gets into an un-winable discussion with another of his friends (also a psychologist) his other friend will settle the matter by turning his upper-body sidewise ... as he says "Joe, just look at it this way." Although this technique has been reused many times ... it still garners a mutual laugh ... and an agreement that there is, indeed, always an alternative way to look at ANY matter. Thank you, My Darling, for refreshing my recall of this wonderful Truth.
(BTW ... I love you ... from every perspective!! [smile])
You make life so sweet. Thank you.
It's not too late for peace.... never ever ever.....And so the river flows....ILYSVVFM!
Babs....Lol, before our divorce was finalized I would tease him ... "One day we will refer to one another as being 'someone I used to date'" We are back to where we started ... simply friends.
John Michael... lol, yes perspective is everything and sometimes we gotta go inside out, backwards and upside down to see things right., thanks. For all I know, we only get one life...we gotta try to make the most of it!
Sister Sing... the river in that pic changes elevations as it has dams on it. Sometimes that causes things to get dug up, pushed out, ushered down and sometimes it causes things to get stuck in the trees along the bank ...very much like life. ILY!
It's definitely never too late. That's what I'm hoping for from this last relationship-a little peace now that it's over and one day able to be friends. Love the photos also! BTW, my blog address has
You actually look you're the same size as his head in that picture..
Is that deliberate? a comment on perception?
It's a good optical illusion. And you really DO look scared..
karma...thanks for the update sweetie. I will have to double check my roll, as I just re-did it a week or so ago. Sigh...peace, it's isn't always easy & it doesn't always come quyickly. There are so many layers to it, so many perceptions of it... P&L2U girl!, that's why they call me 'skinny'. Actually I can fit into an envelope and his head could fill a hot air balloon. ;) Lol, it's late, I'm giddy and I don't know why, but your comment gave me the giggles. he took the pic and the idea of him shooting anything is pretty scary, now that you mention it.
that's just great news..
how you two didn't stay stuck in the mud.. found peace over time
over water, over memories
"to both of you and the beautiful canoe" love, ~s.
Love the design on the canoe!
She....Peace, it's a choice really. I could not have it, I could harbor resentment or what-have-you... that would be easy...but it would also be very heavy and cumbersome. In stead I opt for peace...and wisdom ;)
Linsey...Thanks! Skinny & some spray paint had quite a good time!
Aw, you are so beautiful to me :)
The canoe is purdy!
Orhan....Lol and you are so kind to me and yeah, the canoe is beautabulously weathered ;)
hey....I'm gonna have to shoot you an email, as I couldn't leave a comment on any of posts
skinny, something i try to hold on to:
"never cut what can be untied"
you did it!!!
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