Any caterpillar who tried to "know himself" would never become a butterfly. ~André Gide
"I'm a boot-ee-full butterfly" ~ Toy Story
I saw another wooly Slug last week-end and when I pointed him out to everyone, they all wanted to kill him. I scooped him out of harms way using a Magnolia leaf. Yes, they will sting the molasses out of you, but everything...even those things in life that are painful or not so pretty, has it's place
8 years ago
You are a good child of nature :)
Al always wants to kill the creepy spiders but they eat pests so I just brush them away.
i miss you too!! i was playing with honey bees yesterday, much to the dismay of my daughter...she didn't think it was so cool....
Ahhhhhh, sisterlove, I love you!
And sometimes it's the bite that stings the most, that lights a fire and sends us chasing new horizons....
And for that, they truly are butterflies....
I'm a bit of a stinging caterpillar, myself.
<-- knows I have my place just the same.
That was really sweet of you and the thought that we all deserve respect and our little piece of place in this world I love it.
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