Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Butterflies, Slugs & Perceptions

Any caterpillar who tried to "know himself" would never become a butterfly. ~André Gide

"I'm a boot-ee-full butterfly" ~ Toy Story

I saw another wooly Slug last week-end and when I pointed him out to everyone, they all wanted to kill him. I scooped him out of harms way using a Magnolia leaf. Yes, they will sting the molasses out of you, but everything...even those things in life that are painful or not so pretty, has it's place


Dee said...

You are a good child of nature :)
Al always wants to kill the creepy spiders but they eat pests so I just brush them away.

jerzygrl29 said...

i miss you too!! i was playing with honey bees yesterday, much to the dismay of my daughter...she didn't think it was so cool....

singleton said...

Ahhhhhh, sisterlove, I love you!

And sometimes it's the bite that stings the most, that lights a fire and sends us chasing new horizons....

And for that, they truly are butterflies....

Mel said...

I'm a bit of a stinging caterpillar, myself.

<-- knows I have my place just the same.


Silindile Ntuli said...

That was really sweet of you and the thought that we all deserve respect and our little piece of place in this world I love it.