The Stairway to Heaven.
Led Zeppelin, who I have a lifetime love of.
Although , it trips me out to know that some folks know 'Behind Blue Eyes' by Limp Bizkit but don't know The Who version, I found this particular 4 1/2 minutes to be most captivating...
I love how Gabriela plays percussion on her guitar, especially towards the end. Who knows?maybe someone out here blogland might enjoy this as much as me...I'm lovin' it!
Click Here If You Want To Hear Stairway To Heaven by Rodrigo y Gabriela
8 years ago
At our 8th grade graduation, our class walked in to Led Zeppelins "The Stairway to Heaven!"
We loved it! but the parents put a stop to the kids picking out the song for graduations the year after.
That was a smokin rendition of one of the greats. Zeppelin has always been one of my favorite bands. At least one of their albums is always in my cd player when I do pottery.
And Limp Biskit has their place in history, too, but it's history, you have to do it in chronological order.....
pave the way...
By the way,
the flies are out there...
Catch me if you can.....
My old hippy mother got a good chuckle when my college girlfriend told my little sister that that pop song she was digging was an old Greatful Dead tune....
Okay....THAT was awesome.
Wanna guess what tune I'll be humming all day now?
I simply love that song!one of the best songs ever made.Led Zeppelin was truly one of the best.
LOL, I have two tabs open on my computer now so that I can jam to this version while writing. I think my typing is faster. LOL!
Singleton~ Success is the sweetest revenge...Flies never beat the butterflies...never!
Angela~ I actually painted the lyrics of this song on our school walls (with permission) in my senior year.
Slag~ I had a feeling that you were a fellow-Zeppelin lover. It does help keep our creative windows open!
Matt~ My mother, who is 74, knows almost all of the Zeppelin tunes. Mainly from the original blues artists... LOL, it's great to hear her sing 'When the Levee Breaks'
Mel~ Much better than the Yahoo or Doublemint commercials' theme songs! :)
Fuzzy~ I like to think so, but understand not everyone agrees. I love Led Zeppelin. If I only had one artist to listen to for the rest of my life...that would be them, for me.
skinny, you can read their story at
i saw them on live Mexican TV play "Tamecun" and couldn't believe they were so good. You can type Tamecun on Youtube. They are amazing.
oops, it's Tamacun!
Wow, I didn't realise Behind Blues Eyes was as old as The Who. I knew there was a reason I felt guilty for liking the Limp Bizkit version :/
how weird
I've just mentioned The Five People You Meet In Heaven on mel's blog, come over here, seen it on your reading list, and now I'm at this post
a heavenly blogging experience!
thanks skinny b
They are phenomenal! My DH & I saw them a couple of months ago & were blown away, then I found this cover & was totally mesmerized. This cover, by no means, is the best they have. TY for the links!
LOL, I like the Limp Bizkit version as well... no guilt, just adjustments.
I love that book! It's one of two books, that I read, then ran out & bought multiple copies of to pass out to friends, family & such! I'm glad you bopped over...come anytime.
Haha! This post reminds me of the 18 year-old girl that did my hair the other day. Music was "her life" yet she didn't know who Aerosmith was. Oy!
That is an amazing clip!
I liked Limp Bizkits version of Behind Blue Eyes. I was a big Who fan back in the day, but I lost interest after a while. I think if Pete Townsend had blown fire I might hvae been hooked, but alas, Gene Simmons took that over...LOL!
Cool blog!
Ilike both versions! I love to expose my kids to various "old" music and although my son really like the LB version I have a sneaking suspicion he would like the Who's version also!
RockDog~ I LOVE your moniker!
LOL, you are dating yourself with all this talk of the Who, Gene Simmons & must be my age!
Random Girl~ I, too, like them both & I think it's great you keep your mind open , thus leading by example for your son. Rock On! :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I will be back to read more of yours.
Beautiful. It's a joy to discover new acoustic guitar players. Thanks for the introduction ... and for visiting my blog!
Skinny.... Maybe you won't even believe this. My first born daughter, Maggie, passed almost 16 years ago in a terrible auto accident. She loved Led Zeppelin. She blasted "Stairway to Heaven" on her cheap ass strereo constantly. Sh eloved them.
When she passed, we had a very unique and different service than most people. We met at the local zoo, (Maggie loved it), and people just came up to the front of the crowd of 300 or so people and they spoke. It was a grat sendoff.
We closed the official program with "Stairway" and referred to it as Maggie's anthem.
We have had on our wall a poster, li with black light, ,of "Stairway to Heaven" with lyrics and that hooded figure on top of the rock with the lantern. It hangs there and we hear the guitar riff full out when w look at it. Our Maggie has climbed her stairway to heaven. We'll get to see her when we go to the other side.
Thanks for letting me share that. Thanks for the song in this great arrangement.
BArdouble~ Anytime! Hope you don't mind that I view blogs as having an open door policy :)
Tai~ I love the music & am glad others have enjoyed it as well, hopefully including you. Yes, sometimes I get fixated on that 'next blog' button & get lost for hours. I'm glad you bounced I can go back & see you again!
Spadoman~ Thank you for sharing your story with me. I knew from a previous post that you had a daughter called Maggie & I am so sorry for your loss. It's really weird because I had another post to make & bambling around on-line I found this & there was no stopping it. This, for some reason, had to go up immediately & my other post (which actually is a continuation of post below) got pushed back. Perhaps that was Maggie at work...letting us all know that she's here, she's listening, watching & ever-so-patiently waiting.
I love that you had a service appropriate for her & what she was about. I've always said that I would like 'Little Wing,' Stevie Ray Vaughn version played, when I am freed from my physical shell & have faith that my loved ones will be as supportive & loving as yours.
Riffs of peace & love to you Spadoman! TY for sharing.
Love both songs, although I admit I prefer limp's version to the who,s
Stairway to heaven...a classic!
I'm sure I heard The Who's version first but never paid attention to it until after Bizkits version. I like them about equal. I actually like remakes while I think most people don't.
Pixie~ I like them both too. I remember as a kid being shocked at how many Zeppelin tunes my mom knew... to her, they were all remakes of old blues classics from her childhood :)
Lightning Bug~ Love your moniker...Rock on!
Doug~ That's what makes re-makes wonderful...sharing the tried and true with each generation new.
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