Last fall I did a post on marbles and since then we have found several more.
Three this year, two just since we started laying all the brick.
Anytime, a marble is found, I always take it as a sign.
Outside of the obvious... that someone once played with marbles here, that the rain washed away some dirt or that we've been doing yardwork...I never really know what they mean. We have found 3 already this year & I always find them intriquing (as does my fish in above photo)
Anyway I thought I'd analyze the meaning of the colors of these marbles found this year.
The green one was found a few weeks ago. For a fleeting moment, when I first held this marble, I thought it meant 2007 would be a year of growth. Green is the color of plants, grass, emeralds, money & water. No waterfalls of money over here, but the pond is looking mighty green. Perhaps this marble was reminding me that it needs to be cleaned. A book I have says it represents hope, comfort, strength, regeneration. tranquility & family. Sounds good!
Last week, we found the one to the right. It is 1/2 orange & 1/2 white. According to my gift-giving book, orange is the color of the spirit & libido, love & lust, marriage & revelation. Hmmm..whoda guessed orange to mean all that? According to the same book, white represents intuition, romance, dawning & passage, promise, power & fulfillment, divine wisdom & responsibility. Ut-oh, things are getting deep!
Today, the center one was found where we were laying bricks and it is almost all orange with just a little bit of white. So...same as above with more emphasis on the orange. Hmm...
Maybe , I'm just losing my marbles as quickly as quickly as I find them.
Or maybe, I'll just keep wondering if the mean anything outside of the obvious.
8 years ago
I firsted visited your blog about the time you wrote about your intial discovery of marbles. Seems like so long ago.
Love your fish tank!
It's taken me 30 years to find my marbles....(I think some are still missing, mind you)...and I'm JUST getting around to figuring out how to play with 'em! ;-)
What a fun fishbowl and a lovely post!
I love marbles, but just because they are cool. I never thought about what color might mean in things like you did with the marbles. I like the way thinking that way could be portentious. have a great day and good luck with the orangeness of your future.
I like wearing my orange shirt in the springtime.
Otherwise known as sexual harassment season.
I remember your post about marbles....There is something about a marble.....I'm not quite sure what it is...but I also love marbles...I have a huge jar of them....keep finding them marbles Girl!
Orhan~ Lol, yes it seems so very long ago, but it was back in September. The fishbowl came as a christmas gift from a very dear woman that I know & so I had to get this blue fish to go in it!
Mel~ Lol...I don't think too many kids play with them now-a-days. In fact, they usually go into a fish bowl, flower pot or candle dish anymore!
Wreckless~ Marbles are pretty darn cool to look at. Amazing how different all of them are. Btw, thanks for the new word to add to my vocab...I had to look up portentous! :)
Matt~ Yes, I look at the color orange in whole new light now! Wear your orange, but don't get into too much trouble!
Vicci~ I'm not sure what it is about marbles that is still so intriquing. Maybe they appeal to our sentimental sides & our own reflections on an era gone by.. where toys didn't have to have batteries to be entertaining, when it was ok to play in the yard from sun-up to sun-down and when everyone knew their neighbors. P&L to you, my dear!
Strange, I have never found a marble in my life...perhaps I just dont look hard enough ?
LoL Pixie...not strange at all! . I find them in my yard. My house is just over 100 years ago & I'm sure that for a couple generations this house held children which played regularly with them. These are left-overs from their youth. But I like to think of them as a gift & a reminder ;)
marbles seem to have some magic about them. i hold them in my hand and roll them, or put my fingers around them, and it feels, well, kind of spiritual and historic. you obviously sense the same thing. you get it, slb...
Paige! I collect marbles! My mom (or Santa) at Christmas time would put them in my stocking! She would just laugh sweetly shaking her head saying I was the only girly girl she knew that had such a love for marbles!
I find marbles all the time! I have even dreamt about marbles. We were on a school bus, (like on the Partridge Family) driving back to Tennessee. We stopped at this ol' ma and pops quik stop. I looked down in the dirt walking to the store and seen all of these marbles. Well! You know what I did in my dream! I know you do Paige! I got down on my hands and knees and started picking up all of the marbles like it was gold! LOL! I remember telling my mom about it and describing it as a bad dream because my husband was wanting to get back on the road and I wasn't done picking up the marbles! CrAzY!!
I could understand the colors meaning. Sounds right to me!
I never really thought about the significance of marbels,we always had plenty at our home since all my cousins and brother played with them at our backyard.But one thing is true they do carry a lot of memories of those times to me.This was another cute post Skinny!
I hid all the posts in my blog because I was afraid that people at work could read it. I began a new one
just in case you were by and tried to get in. Maybe I'll bring the other one back up later. I'm not sure. It will be off of the dropdown menu at work in 2 weeks. (oops!)
Dammit, now I have to change the colors of my wardrobe again?
utterly marbles!
you're always welcome, skinny, you know that (;
Sorry I've been away and so busy. Thought I'd stop by and see what you're up to. Marbles, cool. Another connection. My youngest daughter collects marbles and has them in dishes and bowls and little Zen gardens all about her place. When I see one, find it or in a second hand dtore, and like the Grandfather rock, it calls to me, I get it for her. She loves it when I visit and pull a marble out of my pocket.
Just last month, we sat and I told her of how we played marbles as kids on patches of dirt between the sidewalk and the street curb near the school grounds. Some days going into school with pockets bulging with the cateyes and purees I had taken with my sure shot knuckler.
Please share the song I sang to Singleton. I feel the same about you as the song suggests.
Peace. I'll try to be around more often.
I live in an old house on an old street that I suppose is kind of shabby, but for some reason I see the past superimposed over it. Sonds like your just like me.
Skinny,tag's been done:)
wow.. orange is a great color!!
now, i'll be looking for heart-shaped rocks(haven't found any yet) AND marbles! i love that you find these things.. most don't look and you find beauty in everything and that's such a great quality and very inspiring!!
oh I so love marbles! and know what you mean about finding them (and losing them!)
am liking the sound of your gift giving book!
I began finding marbles over a year ago,in the spring of 2016.Usually they appear on my back deck,but a few times ive found them in the hallway and 3 times I found them in the kitchen.They usually appear one at a time but a few times 2 or 3 have shown up togeather at the same time.They are always the same type of marble-clear,with an opalescent sheen.Since finding the first one over a year ago,I have received 33 marbles total.I have no idea who or what is leaving me these little "gifts".My husband and I have no children.We are the only ones living in the house.We have assumed that someone is playing a practical joke on us but if this is the case,it's not very funny.Not to mention the person would trespassing big time! Our friends and neighbors deny any involvement.Last weekend 3 marbles appeared in the house- one in the kitchen and 2 in the hallway.I was home all weekend and had just vacuumed the floor a few hours before discovering them.At this point I've begun consider that maybe explaination lies within the realm of the supernatural.I just googled "spirits and marbles" and this blog popped up in addition to some other accounts on Yahoo Answers and a few other sites.Looks like I'm not alone...just thought I'd add my story to the mix.
I'm still trying to find the meaning of finding green marbles? I find 1to4 per week and their all green
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