I was a little kid and still too young for public schools.
But not too young for love and war.
We were in war...us against them.
Earth girls versus material girls.
Childhood charges...
I ran, barefoot padding heavy through the grass and slapping the sidewalk hard.
At the end of the day, I had scraped up elbows, knees and one stubbed toe.
'What happened to you?'
'I don't know Momma'
'What do you mean you don't know? Of course you know! Look at you! You are a bloody mess'
'Well, I remember running and falling... I just don't remember getting hurt.'
So I have learned not to declare war so readily...
but I still sometimes fly ninety miles to nothing.
I still fall and just get up and go.
And I still find injuries and wonder where I got them...
Artwork, Prayers for Pixies, by my Sister Singleton of JustGiveMePeace
8 years ago
Great way to go through life. :)
It is so strange when someone outside the British colonies says the word 'bloody'; it is far more literal and visual. Would've loved to have met your mother, she sounds like quite a character.
Aw, you are so funny! I can see you there strategizing with your earth girl gang ~ That is just too cute! :D
Yeah-don't ask where the bruise came from, I never know. Part of the deal, I guess....but still--it's good to go through life oblvious to the ouchies that are goin' on around you.
Or...*laughing* maybe not..
Crazy little elfin earth girl . . . southern gypsy sprite, doin' her thing . . .
Ha ha ha . . .
So you . . .
Karma...hahaha, I guess so. I made it thus far.
Orhan...Yeppers, I do believe that in this instance it was used in a literal sense :) My mother pretty much rocks...as did her mother ;)
Dee...LoL, yeah. Armed with the fallen fruits of mother nature and homemade slingshots, I am sure we were a sight to be seen.
Mel...hahaha, last night I walked past a fallen brick out back and looking at it, I bent down and picked it up when I realized that the reason it was fallen was because I had trip/kicked it there several nights earlier and just kept on going since my arms were full of laundry. hahaha, never will outgrow stubbed toes!
Oceans...You write that as if you have seen me trip and fall a thousand times! Hahaha, maybe all it takes is seeing it once to know that I can do it quite well without ever really knowing how it happened ;)
That's a tomboy for ya! I can't remember how many grass stains I had on me by the end of the day, dirty toes, and sweat beads.
And love the pic you chose for this one!
Ahh, sisterlove...
Words cannot even begin to say....
Shimmerings...hahaha, you remind me of a white dress that I was told not to wear because I would get it dirty. I wore it anyway & I got it dirty....so into the lake I jumped. When I came home sopping wet, I figured my mom would be less upset about a wet dress than a dirty one. Hahahaha...the pic is undeniably gorgeous and seemingly somewhat prophetic....
JGMP...Sister! Not wanting to throw words into your mouth, this post was written as a response to recent events not only in my life, but undeniably in yours. ILYSVFM...
You are awesome ~ I woulda wanted to be in your gang. :)
I love the way you write down your thoughts. You're a true writer. :)
Dee....we would have surely gotten ourselves into some serious trouble! Hahaha and I have no doubts that we woulda been in the same gang!
Amelie...Thanks but I am only a writer in the same sense as you and most everyone else here. I like to ramble:)
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