I just don't have it in me.
He's fourteen or thereabouts.
He's really, really deaf, but likes to bark a lot and he's somewhat blind, but if he sees you, he wants you to love on him.
He especially likes to have his face and muzzle loved on and his little head will become dead weight in your hands if he's really enjoying it.
He was one of Johns' dogs & his name is Bear.
I was told to take him to the vet for his final trip.
'Dont worry about it. I'll take care of him.'
I just couldn't do it.
And so, Bear has been with us since I returned from the beach.
He loves me and he rivals with Smokie for my affections.
Smokie and Bear... two boys.
Both named by other people, both in fact named by guys named John, both fated to be put down and both living with me...
Bear...whose old age and hips had him struggling to stand and yelping in pain, now jumps in circles around me when I come home....and I have yet to hear him yelp.
My dogs didn't know or care that he was an old timer and they made no special concessions for him.
It's like he, himself, has nw forgotten what it was like to live like an old man.
We never can tell where fate will take us and how free will will impact that fate...
I just couldn't take him...
it's not his time.
8 years ago
Amen to that my sister,
How beautifully you tell the story,
Sometimes all someone needs is someone to take a chance on them, to believe that they're more than their limitations and problems,
Thank you for your eyes of love, for seeing, for believing,
May love surround Bear and you and every member of the precious circle that surrounds you (human, canine, its all love....),
'Dont worry about it. I'll take care of him.'
And you are....
And in that face, coddled between your hands...
I see the eyes of an 80 year old...
on the dancefloor...
Living to love again...
Loving to live again...
Sometimes we are gifted with a little more time.
Aw :(
... aawwwhhh... I love stories like these... and people like you... and doggies like bear, who've to people like you... :)
k....made me teary.
Happy, sad teary stuff.
I'm glad he has you to love him.
You're an awesome human.
Maithri....I always love your words. We are all more than our limitations... and we all have our own limits. May peace wrap around you as wonderfully as you wrap yourself around life...
Singleton...'living to love again and loving to live again.' Sometimes, there is nothing better than that :)
Hammer...a little more time, and as sister sing pointed out... a little more life, a little more love. And who knows what all taht will bring.
Orhan....Aw :) Turn that frown upside-down ;)
Shimmerings...no shortage of doggies in need around here! Do you wanna puppy? hahaha. Neighbors dog had 7 puppies. Last night when I pulled in, one was tumbling around in the middle of the road. I put it back & wondered what his future may hold...
Mel...Aw, didn't mean to make ya teary! But, I know that you have connected the dots so I can understand...we never know what curve balls may come our way & what role we will play...
All I can do is smile at the continuing adventures of the sweet southern gypsy sprite-- boddhisatva of the northern georgia hills . . .
what a sweet face...
i almost typed that i miss having a dog around but then i read your neighbors had puppies so i'm omitting that for now (haha!)
hey, p, thanks for your support this weekend. you are such a good friend.
nice sentiment by maithri...i am taking a chance on myself.
Oceans...lol, well your smile could be laughter, hahaha...would you like a puppy? or maybe a more mature mutt? Hahaha. I tease. I really think this neighborhood has a 'two dog minimum' requirement written somewhere ;)
:) His face has a mask which is shaped like a heart. He's a sweet little old man & his hot spots are nearly 100% gone already. He's doing good, really good.
Maithris' words have a poetic grace yet carry a powerful punch...
You know, I have always loved you.
I always will support you, especially when you are fighting for you own happiness and sanity.
Been there myself, on a different level, so I am a true believer! ILY
Damn, just what I need to bring on the tears...I am glad you took yet another chance and it's paying great dividends. :)
I'm glad there are people like you out there to take care of for such innocent loving animals. I can imagine how difficult it might be to take a dog on that final trip... don't think I could ever do it.
Hahaha, it really is you! Yeah, he's an old man...but he's happy & that's what counts. IMY!!!
Welcome! Dogs offer so much & expect so little. It sucks but there are times when it is the right time. Two years ago I had a girl who was painfully dying. I had to take her... felt like it was selfish not to. But this isn't his time...
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