"By doing, I learn what to do. By going, I learn where to go. One day, by dying, I'll learn how to die..." and until then I hope to simply live, learn and love.
excerpt from Odd Hours by Dean Koontz
8 years ago
Nothing but a Skinny Little Blonde Rambling On About Living, Loving and Learning
"By doing, I learn what to do. By going, I learn where to go. One day, by dying, I'll learn how to die..." and until then I hope to simply live, learn and love.
excerpt from Odd Hours by Dean Koontz
'My name is Odd' :)
And laugh, sisterlove....
Anon...hahahaha, a classic line from Odd Thomas, I believe.
SisterSing...I'm pretty good at laughing at my mistakes, so laughter kinda falls naturally into the living, learning, loving thing for me ;) ILYSVM!
Dean Koontz, huh?
Those are some beautiful words!
Mel...Hahaha, yes Dean Koontz, an author which reminds many of Stephen King. I actually have found his Odd Thomas books to be full of great little one to two sentence chunks of wisdom...
Orhan...Some people look at life and wonder what their purpose is, as in what one great and significant reason are they here. Hahaha, i look at mine as having lots of tiny, little, sometimes seemingly insignificant reasons. I think they are called 'moments.' ;)
I'm watching your feet . . . your walking the walk . . . :)
Oceans...sometimes those feet walk right out into that river. Toes and nose facing the sun, I just float. :)
And what a beautiful spirit he has... gentle... it's in the eyes, of course.
Lol... I wondered where this comment went to, I meant to make it on the one above this one, about Bear... wonder what that was really all about? Was there a message in it for yoU? Lol...
Is that you in the "creation"?
Shimmerings..... hahahaha, I knew I read that comment somewhere & I knew it was about Bear, but even I didn't know where it went?! Hahahaha
Is that you commenting?! ;) ILY!!!
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