The clock in the office says ten till seven, the one in the entry says ten after.
The clock on the oven says twenty past eight.
The computer & the cell phone, the only true indicators of what time it is to the rest of the world.
Looking at my utility bill history last night online, I realized I had lived in this house a year longer than I realized.
Talking to my SisterLove Kimbies Saturday, I realized I am a year younger than I thought.
I can't keep up with it.
Looking at all the various times on all of my clocks...
I see that it's okay
As long as I deal with my here and now.
And try to have a good time...
8 years ago
Even the clock on the computer and the clock on the cellphones vary.
I could do with talking to your sister and coming up a year or two younger.....LOL
I have this same problem. Every single thing tells me a different time. *sighs* Nothing to do but live in the present. :)
Yes...a good time MUST be had!
I wonder if I could call you and get a year younger? Or two? Regardless, I got the message, don't look at my watch, let the good times roll.
peace & love,
p.s. Have you been reading my mind again?
Mel...Lol, the drawback to finding yourself a year younger than you thought is that you suddenly feel like you look a year older ;)
Karma...I have had people enter my home & start setting clocks! That really messes me up!
Dee :) Comes naturally when the two of us get together...hahaha many good times, my dear, and many more to come!
The CEO...Lol, read reply to Mel ;) Truthfully, life isn't always fun, but given the opportunity, the moment, I think we should runnnnnn with it ;) A little bit of laughter can carry one far.
ps-We all have intuition & yours is probably talking to you ;)listen to your gut...much peace!
Here and now . . . right where we need to be . . . right where we need to stay . . . all we have . . .
H.L. Mencken said "We are here, and it is now. All the rest is just moonshine" . . .
P&L&FLK, southern gypsy sprite . . .
Amen my sister,
As long as we stay here and now and have that good time...
Who cares about keepin a track on time anyway...
Right now
In this moment
I feel the most powerful
light emanating from the computer screen (im not high lol)
I just feel a tenderness, a light, a love
And maybe thats all we need,
With love to you and the circle,
Oceans- Sometimes the here, now & all the rest really is like moonshine...intoxicating.
Maithri- Lol,so I may run 5 minutes late to work or what-have-you but I get there when I get there & I do what I gotta do...with a smile on my face. They seem to be contagious & invitations for laughter...Much Peace, may the circle remain unbroken & ever-expansive.
You are your own time keeper :)
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