Found this calculator which proposes to predict how old we will live to be based upon a number of personal factors.
I was surprised because it predicted I would live to be 87.
Did I not tell it that I smoked?
Yup, I sure did.
Still it says 87.
It goes on to advise me that I can add 3 months to my life by sleeping two more hours a night. Hmmm, let's 2 hrs a night by 365 nights by 45 years equals 32.850 hours. That equates to about 1369 hours or 57 days. Net profit of time in the end would be about a month...I guess I'll take the early payout, along with the 33 day penalty and enjoy my two hours a day.
It also says that I can add 3 months by giving up all caffeine. Me thinks else am I supposed to function effectively deprived of two hours of sleep per night?
Smoking...a whole different can of worms. It says that if I quit I can add 8 years to my life.
I don't want eight more years.
I don't want to live to be ninety-five.
Instead I would rather enjoy the time I have.
Really, I wish I had never started smoking.
I wish I had the strength, the will, the passion, the drive. the belief... like I do for so many other things in just stop.
Not because I want to live to be old... that's not it at all.
Because I want to be free...
because I want to breathe deep those two hours a night that I don't sleep...
because I want to savor the full flavor of the caffeine I take in...
I never buy lottery tickets, but tonight I bought a mega-millions thingy-ma-jig.
If I win, I plan on hiring an acupuncturist, a hypnotist, a psychologist and/or counselor, physical trainer, chef & a comedian.
I will take them all with me for 6-10 weeks to some remote island where they will be paid dearly to help me quit smoking.
8 years ago
Oh boy........
I shoulda lied. LOL
I lol @ this calculator and your response to it :)
I can cook, make you laugh, have a workout machine, and a stickpin! :D
Ahhh, I wish I could stop smoking too!!! I have tried, I was doing so well before I left Atlanta. And since I've been in Alabama I've had bronchitis three times. Ridiculousity. I like your plan with the peoples and the island. I should try something like that. ;)
great post skinny!
and i know you'll find this hard to believe
but it's true.
one day.. when the time is just write. you'll quit. and it will be easy.
until then, enjoy! guilt free..
create, have fun, be you and keep bloggin'
love, peace & more love & peace,
and laughter
Please don't feel bad for smoking. After five years of being a non-smoker, I started smoking again in November. I'll probably try to quit again in a few days.
But no one writes it like you do. Take me with you and we'll quit together.
Aw Skinny, you're so cute. I hadn't thought of it that way. :)
((Mel))...No worries please, the test is but a silly thing!
Orhan...Did you take the test? Are you gonna live forever? ;)
Dee...Lol, afraid I need more than a stickpin. It's my battle & mine alone, I know.
karma...I didn't win lotto but if I did, I'd be gone & I'd take you with me & stick you with your own defense team
she...thanks for your words of inspiration. Right now, I perceive smoking to be the one biggest thing that limits my freedom. I am totally addicted & really, I hate dependency on anything other than myself. Ciggs are such a big part of my life, it is as if they are a part of me, of who I am...
Monty ...if only I had the will, the passion, the drive that you had to quit. Having done it once, you know taht you can do it again. Sigh, I have never done it & question my own will, strength & determination.
Anne...Lol, yes I'd take the lotto winnings in annual payments, but my waking time? I'll take it as I see fit ;)
I hear you sister,
Its the life in the days, Not the days in the life that matters...
As for smoking... I hear you...if we had a 'magical cure' we'd have found it by now...
I see wards full of people who are on home oxygen tanks, I listen to their lungs wheezing with my stethoscope... And I wish so hard i could go back and find the guy who invented cigarettes... and kill him... well maybe not kill him... just show him the things i've seen...i think that would be enough...
My father smoked for 30 years....tried everything... nothing worked.... and then one day when he was lying in hospital with an attack of chest pain... he saw my sister asleep by his side in the hospital bed... And he just decide to stop... and never went back...
I agree with Sandra... When the time is right it'll happen...
Keep livin Your way my sister,
with the passion, the love, the grace that pours from you like sweet water...
Much love to you
Thank you. Can't ever predict, but can always believe...
Much Love to you, a walking, talking, breathing angel of inspiration.
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