Love, Love, Love.
Love. Creating so many questions.
Love. A four letter answer.
Several years ago, when I was engaged at the ripe age of 35, I had numerous people ask me ...'How do you know that he is the one?'... 'How do you know that you should be getting married to him?'...'How do you know that this is what you should be doing?'
Repeatedly, my answer was the same... 'I don't know...but I believe, I think, I feel and I'm acting on that'
The fact of the matter is that I don't know if a plane is going to crash land on my house today & I don't know if just because I feel something, believe in something, have faith in something, am vulnerable to something, if I think something ...I don't know if any of these things make that something real. I just don't know. But, I believe that if I can sense it, see it, feel it, believe it then at least, for that moment in my world ... it is real.
I am willing to fight with the ones I love when I am fighting for the ones I love. I'm not afraid to fight for what is good & true in my eyes.
Other than that, I really prefer peace. Peace.
It's part of my definition of love.
Because of this, it is of my own opinion that I rarely develop long-term friendships, relationships or alliances with people or institutions that don't also escort peace in their life.
Dancing with peace & love are respect and honesty.
I give it & expect it in return. I have never felt a love without it...
not a love for another person,
nor a love of a wild animal,
a natural phenomena,
a food or an idea...
none of them.
All of the things in life that I love, need my respect & honesty (thank goodness, because I love chocolate, coffee, the beach & thunderstorms...and if I did not address these things with respect & honesty, I would simply be a a big, bouncing, gluttonous, rambling belly-ache with third degree burns getting swept away by the first passing hurricane)
Peace & Love
Respect & Honesty
***True Love Only Wants What Is Best For Us*** Amen, Vicci!
8 years ago
Ahh, my sweet soulful love of a baby sib......
You know my chantra....
"in the end, peace will win"....
There is no end sister...
PLINK !!!!! Mere still has the PLINK box as we named it back int 70's, filled with our secrets!!! PLINK !! love you both
God I love you and wish I was there, every single hellfilled step of the way......I wish I was there
And plink! clink! we love you kimbies.....
if the world could know for just one moment, what we sisters share.....for just one moment......
Hey did you take the training wheels off the blackeyed Hippie's bike???
Love ... now that's tough love!
Just kidding with ya.
love with respect and honesty ... best thing I've heard in ages!
plink to your Kimbies. I know how much she means to you--you're all sisters. You know love the best of all.
Skinny, you keep telling us about everything, get pictures of everything to write about--you really can get a thousand words out of a picture. it is so true.
Or fifty to one hundred of the exact right words to express an idea. Thats all. Make a poem, Skinny, a little one about a picture and send it to Barb. We'll do that, I owe Barb two poems by now!
And have fun with it! Writing should be strong verbs, strong action, just one good idea and you run a few feet or a mile. You'll get it.
Can you tell I want to be a professor of creative writing at acommunity college somewhere? I could do it! This is my practice. It's important. Everything I write I try to put my heart into. Even a little response! But you have to have good people to write about, response or poem.
Thanks for listening to me ramble, too. Thanks for sharring in everything like you have. My writing is getting really good and I'm glad to have the help.
peace~love, friend
and I didn't mean "you'll get it" like you'll get writng. You've already got it! Just keep on doing it, just a few wprds a day, and you will thank me in a year. Or just as often as you can. Always keep an eye on things and write them down! Ask Sing, I bet she caries notebooks with her, even little ones, or at least a pen or a marker.
just posted... youll love it! I promise!
Kimbies~ Plink! I love you so very much sister girl & it was so very good hearing your voice today & very soothing to me to find that we so together in ways unimaginable while being a state away. I love you Kimbies!
Singleton~ Lol... and I know you're not talking about the secrets we's the magic...ILY
Spongy~ Lol, She can't be trusted with moving objects ;) Beware! Training wheels or not, ole blackeyed can fly!
eric~ You are too kind & thank you for your guidance. One day, you will make a inspirational teacher. Sorry to perhaps disappoint you, but my blog is not about creative writing or writing to appease or appeal to anyone or their senses... it is purely my personal ramblings. Folks that are looking for the creative or artistic flair that can be found on your blog or Singleton's blog, among many other wonderful blogs here, can be disappointed here. These are simply my ramblings, nothing more. Please feel free to practice professing with me, your words are magical, although I don't want you to be disappointed with me & my writings, I do want you to be aware that they are just ramblings... me letting the lead out. Oh, and my heart was in this one more than you could imagine.
I could tell.
Just rambling myself. Thanks for listening to them, too! You'll think about this stuff and your ramblings will get even more creative. Someone should tell them. And it's practice. That's good. We're both students of life, i just happen to focus on the art of writing. I almost don't wantnt to learn more, and become too smart to write down to earth poetry that evryone can read, like I've been doing. Thanks for everything, Skinny.
Peace out, yo!
you can ramble at my blog anytime!
I believe love is what others make it. I have never experienced unconditional love but I'm sure it is possible, though I do believe it is a morbid concept.
Honesty is the foundation of every (meaningful) relationship I have.
I'm pretty convinced that's what brings meaning into the relationship.
And this love's weird. LOL
Plain and simple.
Kinda cool.....but definitely weird.
JSYK.....I love you more everyday
ok, i will read this another dozen times before i comment. except that i read for people here and there too. another portal of mystery and magic!
be well, skinny
there is something morbid about unconditional love.
You have to be ready for anything, including final, ultimate loss. That is what makes it so powerful--and also marks it as such a rare flower in our lives. It takes lots of grace, and time spent with that person to really love someone unconditionally.
Most of the time, I'm just in love with the memories. Like a lot of people are.
Family love--that's the only thing you can count on unconditionaly. You know that well!
skinny, that last paragraph is incredibly wise. i never though of the things i love, chocolate included, that way before.
i'm quite into deep love these days. it makes me cry. i wouldn;t trade a second of it. i can't seem to "get" long distance love, however. i'm not used to it. i want all five of my senses to experience loving someone, and having them so far away makes that impossible too much of the time. i'm rebelling against that boundary!
do you read cards, skinny? i do.
Eric, my ramble anytime! Lord knows, I do! I briefed this baby, it's still just my personal ramblings, but your words don't fall on deaf ears. better?
Orhan~ you comment really got me thinking because anytime I hear the words 'unconditional love' I think of the love between me & my dogs. And then I think of the relations between parents & children in my family (as well as with my wonderful siblings)and I know that I am so very blessed. I do believe in unconditional love and sometimes it is called 'tough love.'
Mel~ Beautiful! To me, that means you have a healthy foundation in your meaningful relationships. Without that, imho, it's like building a cinder block house in quicksand and trying to make it a home.
Singleton~ JSYKILYJAM&S ...Love grows...
KJ~ it should be easier to read know ;) thanks to some guidance from the teach!
eric~ Unconditional Love. Something touched down upon by both you & Orhan...IMHO, unconditional love can exist without morbidity. It may come with greater opportunity cost, but also a greater reward. An example, beyond those mentioned above to Orhan, would be the love of someone who becomes a drug addict, an alcoholic, a cutter etc. I go! Rambling again! Ah! Tink!
Love is the hardest thing we'll ever do.....
KJ~ Tink! Posting comments at the same time!
Scooch in close with those deep loves KJ...breathe them in, soak them up, absorb that love & enjoy!
I don't live near my family, so most of my deep loves are afar. It makes for wonderful trips, lots of talking on the phone and a good bit of this blog actually.
TAYQ...haven't in years, lol, but thought about them just the other night ago.
and sometimes it's the easiest.
ILYG & that has always been easy, natural & unconditional xoxox
Tink you baby!
when the ego and power trips stay out of it, most love IS unconditional. granted, relationships tend to have some expectations and make some demands but loving someone despite what they do or don't do is unconditional love as i think of it. dogs and cats and kids and sisters and brothers and best friends and faithful partners are the best examples..... :)
yep. Peace and love are inseperable. Not one without the other. I am with ya all the way to the big splash at the end on this one.
Somethings you cant know, you just have to feel.
Peace, Love & Understanding to you my friend.
All this love talk is in the air in blog world ... see you spread the love in a good way! Fly on!
I loved reading that post!
And with all respect, you are tagged. You can honestly decline if you wish not to play. :) Have a good day!
KJ~ :)So...I believe!
Scott~ So pleased to meet you there!
Crash~ So true...knowing doesn't coming until after you have felt it & found it to be true.
Spongy~ Flying high again! Even turtles can have wings in this blog world! ps-my gut says something about crawling out of shells...but maybe I am just slow?! ;) You will have to let me know!
Wreckless~ Thanks & thanks :) It may just be a matter of time.
How are you today, my friend? This post had us all going again. We'll have to party some ight comming up soon.
Singleton broutght up a great point: That loving someone is the hardest thing you'll ever do. It is also easiest, like you said to her. But to love someone and have it be real, that is hard. There are so many layers for us to get tangled in and become angry about, instead of taking every layer of a person for a whole entity. Your example is true, but not everyone thinks like that. A lot of people look at someone who is addicted to drugs or alcohol and think only about walking away from them. Not everyone has a big heart like you do. And your beautiful sisters have. You all really make me feel welcome and at home, too. Thanks.
nice blog u got out here!
one of the most difficult things to do is to define love,let alone writing about it. but your point accepted- respect goes hand in hand withlove..honesty..i don't know.
beautiful! every word. -will print this out and share it with my brother and future sister-in-law
"to love!"
you know what you know and thats all you know until you find out that you don't know what you thought you knew.
beerspitnight is so right!
eric~ You are always more than welcome to make yourself feel right at home here! Anytime!
Thanks Annie...I'll have to venture over into your world this week-end :)
Nithya~ lol, I was emotionally charged up when I wrote this...but don't you think if someone respects you that they will be honest with you?
She~ Clink! To Love! Congrats to the newlyweds to be!Your family is growing, as is the love!
Beerspit~ You booger you! You summed it all up right there!
KJ~ Lol...he's like a translator...taking my jumble of words & reducing then to their core!
Skinny, just when I think I know what love is, the notion of it changes, and I begin to think that I will never know what it really is. I begin to believe that love is so all-encompassing, that there is no definition for love, for it is ever changing, ever re-arranging. There are so many degrees and levels of it. The question would then be, "do I want to do this particular version of it?"
I'm with you, I like the Peace filled version of it. I read something, in another blog, recently, that was interesting, on this subject of peace. Some people believe that we must suffer... that life is not without suffering; therefore, they suffer. Others believe that we are not supposed to suffer... with the total way to overcome suffering, being through submission and acceptance of the moment.
I am choosing the peace filled version, with no suffering. To get even deeper, I am choosing the Majical version of it, which I have most definitely experienced in my Life.
Little Wing
Your vision of love is right on.
nope. i do respect most of my friends.and so do they. but there have been times when we were not honest with each other..and i didn't think it mattered anyways, as long as we meant no harm.
cool :) thanks
little wing~ beautiful words & thoughts. thank you. love is definitely very profound. i don't know that in love that we must suffer, but I know that with time it is unavoidable. Some folks opt to suffer unduly so...whew, no thanks. life is too short!
enemy~ rolling ideas around in my head...
nithya~ hmmm...I'm with ya. 'New hair cut looks cute' type statements?
Stil, inconsequential misgivings can sometimes become consequential. I bet whack-job liar & murderer of his pregnant wife, Scott Petterson thought that all of his little lies were inconsequential at first, but then they all played out to establish that he was a liar before the courts.
tine b~ thanx for dropping in!
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